Kamis, 28 Januari 2021
Sabtu, 23 Januari 2021
Video Lomba Peserta D' BEST 2020
Juara 1 News Reading Contest 2020_D' BEST 2020
Juara 3 English Speech Contest 2020 D' BEST 2020
Juara 1 English Singing Contest D' BEST 2020
Juara 2 English Singing Contest D' BEST 2020
Juara 3 English Singing Contest 2020 D' BEST 2020
Juara Harapan 1 Singing Contest D BEST 2020
Juara 3 News Reading Contest SD D BEST 202
Selasa, 19 Januari 2021
The Importance Of sharing and Caring Among Students
English Speech Material of SMPN 2 BELOPA
The Importance Of sharing and Caring Among Students
it can not be denied that everybody has different experiences and axcess. in kind of differences we are required to sharing and caring each other because no body is perfect, no body can live alone and we are human societies. sharing and caring each other is very important in our life. sometimes we know something but the other people don't know about it, so we are required to inform.
as one of known writer said that there is something in ourselves that we know and the other people know it and there is something we know and the other people don't know about it. the other side, there is something in ourselves where the other people know but we don't know about it. to know more about ourselves the other people are needed. we don't be egoism.
in school environment, sharing and caring among students play significant role to get a harmony relations, to build the students' togetherness, to increase the students'knowledge and to get the brigther futer easily. in getting a happy life, sharing and caring must be applicated in our daily activity, if there isn't giving and taking openness each other based on loving, otomatically our life will not be happy. as RENEWELL said that "Focusing on ourselves will never reveals our life's purpose".
at the ending of this speech I will stress about sharing and caring are very important in our life. that's a key to build a happy life and harmony relation among students. so let's build a good relation to other students by sharing and caring in order that the students' togetherness and the brighter future will be gotten easily. create a happy life, sharing and caring are our true force
create by
student's of SMPN 2 BELOPA
The Importance Of sharing and Caring Among Students
it can not be denied that everybody has different experiences and axcess. in kind of differences we are required to sharing and caring each other because no body is perfect, no body can live alone and we are human societies. sharing and caring each other is very important in our life. sometimes we know something but the other people don't know about it, so we are required to inform.
as one of known writer said that there is something in ourselves that we know and the other people know it and there is something we know and the other people don't know about it. the other side, there is something in ourselves where the other people know but we don't know about it. to know more about ourselves the other people are needed. we don't be egoism.
in school environment, sharing and caring among students play significant role to get a harmony relations, to build the students' togetherness, to increase the students'knowledge and to get the brigther futer easily. in getting a happy life, sharing and caring must be applicated in our daily activity, if there isn't giving and taking openness each other based on loving, otomatically our life will not be happy. as RENEWELL said that "Focusing on ourselves will never reveals our life's purpose".
at the ending of this speech I will stress about sharing and caring are very important in our life. that's a key to build a happy life and harmony relation among students. so let's build a good relation to other students by sharing and caring in order that the students' togetherness and the brighter future will be gotten easily. create a happy life, sharing and caring are our true force
create by
student's of SMPN 2 BELOPA
Senin, 18 Januari 2021
kutetap Mau Jadi Guru
Sebening kaca hatimu ibu
Teduh sejuk menyimpan sejuta kasih
Kau ajak aku dalam hidupmu
Yang penuh rintangan
Kubersyukur terlahir kedunia ini melalui rahimmu
Kau ajari aku berdoa tuk setiap keluh dan kesah
Saat kuayun penaku ini, ku sedang mengulang ingatanku tentang kegembiraanku tadi pagi bersama murid-muridku.
Hilang sudah rasanya penat seharian, kalau ingat muridku yang lucu-lucu.Terima kasih muridku, kau sungguh lucu. Kadang aku tidak bisa tidur hanya karena tiba-tiba ingat si Akbal yang melucu.
Atau Selvi Rahmatiah yang selalu orasi, bak seorang orator ulung. Padahal menyebut huruf “R” saja belum jelas. Ah terlalu banyak kejadian yang mengesankan, Bu…
Kalau kutulis semua, ibu lelah membacanya. Buku diaryku pun sudah ampun-ampun kalau kumulai menulis tentang anak-anak setiap malam menjelang tidur.
Tapi kusedih kalau ingat perkataan IBUKU. Sebenarnya sudah lama IBU katakan, mungkin sekarang IBU sudah lupa dan bahkan tak pernah ingat lagi krna memang IBU telah meninggalkan segalanya, hanya kenangan dan nasehatmu saja yang masih kuingat dan kulaksanakan,meskipun IBU telah Menghadap Sang PENCIPTA.
Ibu pernah menyuruhku pindah profesi. Kalau ada yang tanya tentang pekerjaanku, ibu selalu menempelkan kata “CUMA JADI GURU”. Ah gajinya kecil tidak seberapa, apalagi ngajar SMP.
Tapi sungguh Ibu, menjadi guru menjadi meskipun bukan cita-citaku sejak kecil, tapi kusenang dan menikmatinya. Masih ingatkah ibu, betapa senangnya aku mengumpulkan anak-anak. Lalu kuajari, bernyanyi, kuhibur mereka dengan aneka cerita, hingga tidak ada anak yang bersedih.Waktu itu kubayangkan ku jadi guru yang sayang pada murid-muridnya.
Sekarang tercapai sudah cita-citaku, Bu…
Aku jadi bu guru sekarang. Duh senang lho, meskipun masi sering KUTERLAMBAT NGAJAR. Bu… Bagaimana tidak hatiku selalu terhibur oleh lucunya anak-anak. Kadang rasa sakit bulananku bisa hilang, karena kulupa. Hatiku terhibur oleh suara anak-anak yang bersenandung.
Aku jadi semangat belajar semua ilmu. Kalau anak muridku tanya sesuatu, aku sudah tahu. Malu khan kalau bu guru selalu jawab tidak tahu. Apalagi anak-anak muridku senang bertanya ini itu.
Ada sebuah tulisan bagus yang pernah kubaca, siapa yang mengajarkan kebaikan, maka semua makhluq Allah akan memintakan ampun, termasuk ikan yang ada di laut.
Aku mau tetap mau jadi guru, Bu… sampai maut menjemputk
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